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Thursday, October 10, 2013

The fun begins...

Recently I have found the sheer pleasure of making my own spinner bait lures. It started with seeing a YouTube video from the Uk on how to make your own Lures. As an avid fisherman who recently got into bass fishing sees how expensive baits and lures can get. It gives me great pleasure in knowing that the fish I just caught was one lure I personally made myself. From that I have grown into actually making my own. I plan on showing how to make your own Spinner baits as well as selling the ones I make. Currently I have only made a couple of lures but I know with this blog I will keep myself very well entertained. I also plan on posting where you will be able to find the material you'll need to make your own. I do hope you enjoy reading my blog and seeing the end result. I plan on posting my first photos soon.


  1. I am not into fishing myself, but I can imagine that creating your own lures would enhance the rewarding feeling when you get a catch!

  2. These baits and lures look very nice. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you. If you or someone you know are interested in buying them please contact me.
