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Monday, June 30, 2014

Something new is coming... again :)

As many of you know I am always changing and evolving. This time its not my product that is changing, its my blog. I am deciding to spread the amount of knowledge I have learned from fishing over the years. I know that there are people that were like me that didnt know everything there is to know about fishing. Hell, I'm still learning a ton myself every day. So every two weeks I plan on writing something about fishing. Whether it be about bass, trout, pike, makinaw or any kind of fish. I plan on writing about it and giving what knowledge I have back. So in the coming weeks look for my new and exciting blog posts! If any of you care to leave comments or insite of your own about the topic I write about feel free to leave comments. I am opening to being told I was wrong about my information or just simply a different view. Thanks for reading and keep your lines tight!

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